

Debunking the 3 Most Common Myths About Coffee Collagen

Coffee collagen is a trendy product that has gained more and more popularity recently, but it has also raised many questions. What is it and...

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How does blood sugar level affect your daily energy?

Mostly we talk about blood sugar level monitoring only in case of diabetes, and most people think that this topic applies only for diabetics. However,...

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All about Collagen part II

In previous post we talked about Be More’s new collagen powders and its ingredients. This time we go even further – let’s talk about the effect...

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All about Collagen part I

What is collagen and why should we use collagen supplements? This blog gives answers to many collagen related questions. Collagen is the most plentiful protein...

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How to Increase Your Energy Level With Superfoods?

If you want to avoid drinking coffee and want to add some beneficial superfoods to your routine, then this blog post is just for you....

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What is freeze-drying?

Many Be More superfoods are made with the freeze-drying method. What does it mean? Freeze-dried food offers many advantages: looking fresh, tasting fresh, staying fresh,...

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Be More With a Cup of Tea

Our new teas are here for You to enjoy. So what are our new teas about? Detox Tea Detox tea has a refreshing lemony flavor...

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Healthy eating

The Power of Protein

Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build...

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How to be beautiful like goddess?

Every woman wants to be beautiful. By eating healthy, we nurture our beauty starting from our cellular level. By taking care of our skin, nails...

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Beauty Foods for You

Our skin is the largest detoxification organ in our body, so inflammation, food intolerances, stress, digestive issues, lack of sleep, dehydration, and hormonal imbalances are...

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