
Men’s Mental Health Month: How to stay mentally fit?

November is men’s health month, and in addition to physical health, we urge men to take care of their mental health as well. In the field of mental health, there is a so-called a silent suffering that has persisted for a very long time in the shadow of societal expectations and stereotypes. Expressions like “men don’t cry” or “a man must always be strong” have only contributed to this. The struggle with oneself and one’s exhausted state often goes unnoticed, as men are used to dealing with their emotions alone and in silence. But as time goes on, the more men’s mental health problems have started to be talked about, and it is understood that men’s health problems must also be dealt with, talked about and paid attention to.

Statistics clearly show that the stress level and depression of the entire population increases during economic crises, but in recent years it has also been amplified by the global COVID-19 pandemic. So, unfortunately, the current period is not conducive to mental well-being, neither for men nor for women.

If we are unable to change what is happening in society and the world, we can introduce changes in our lifestyle habits and through this ensure that our mental health is strong regardless of the time and what is happening around us. We provide an overview of possible practical tips on how to deal with keeping your mental health in shape.

Mindfulness techniques are helpful for both women and men

Mindfulness techniques have gained a foothold in Estonia as well and are often recommended by various psychologists. The main purpose of these techniques is to “be present”, that is, to take time out and notice what is happening around. With today’s fast pace of life, it is common that people do not find time to simply be alone with their thoughts, enjoy beautiful views, listen to soothing sounds (music, birdsong, etc.). Here are some examples of how to use mindfulness techniques on a daily basis:

  1. schedule 15 minutes each day to be with yourself. In this moment, do nothing but just be. Look around and think about what you see and what you feel at the moment. Use all your senses: sight, smell, hearing, perception. At this moment, do not think about your worries or the upcoming day, but just perceive the existing moment.
  2. eat at least 1 meal a day so that you do not rush and do not look at devices with screens at the same time. When eating, think about every bite you put in your mouth – what kind of taste it has, what kind of structure, what kind of temperature. Compare different flavors. Remember to eat properly.
  3. in moments when you feel that anxiety and stress levels are high, take help of breathing techniques. Breathe for 1 minute, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. At the same time, the exhalation must be longer and go to the stomach rather than the chest. It helps if you keep your hands on your stomach and feel how the air comes to the stomach area.

You can keep a journal to record your daily feelings, thoughts, sounds, tastes and smells. At the end of stressful days, you can write down all your thoughts in your diary. There is no need to pay attention to the correct sentence structure or the structure of thoughts. Write as it comes. It can be a very liberating experience!

A daily exercise routine helps release happy hormones

During exercise, the body releases chemicals called endorphins. They create a positive feeling in the body and you often feel a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness after exercise. By introducing a daily physical movement routine, it is possible to give your body more energy and a positive attitude towards life, and thereby reduce your stress level. Endorphins actually act as pain relievers, which means they reduce the perception of pain.

Regular exercise has been proven to:

  • reduces stress
  • helps reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • helps increase self-esteem
  • helps improve sleep

In addition, exercise also has the following health benefits:

  • It strengthens the heart
  • It increases energy levels
  • It lowers blood pressure
  • It improves muscle tone and strength
  • It strengthens the bones
  • It helps in reducing body fat

In addition to training, it is also worth monitoring the diet so that it supports the training. For example, one must eat enough (at least 4-5 portions) of cereals during the day, as well as berries, fruits and vegetables. When exercising, remember that muscles need protein to recover. Dairy products, meat, fish, eggs and legumes are good sources of protein. If there is no time to eat after training, it is also possible to consume protein-rich drinks. The Be Sporty superfood powder with excellent composition of pea protein is available in the Be More e-store, which contains plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals and is also suitable for vegans. It is specifically designed for athletic people to support post-workout recovery

Nutrition must be healthy, planned and regular

Mental health is closely related to what happens in our gut and what kind of bacteria live in it. When we eat healthy, we grow good bacteria that take care of both our physical and mental health. A healthy diet means that during the day you have to eat at least 500g of different colored vegetables, in addition to berries, fruits, cereals, a few handfuls of nuts and legumes at least twice a week. A food substance that, contrary to the aforementioned, can cause a stress reaction in the body is sugar and products containing sugar. Excessive consumption of sugary products causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels and this is interpreted as stress by the body. When the stress reaction is triggered in the brain, the person feels anxious. However, anxiety can in turn create a strong urge to eat something unhealthy. Emotional instability also occurs, which is definitely an uncomfortable feeling and one that you would not want to encounter on a daily basis. The first thing you should definitely do is not reach for sedatives, but try to adjust your menu to a healthier and more regular one. All meals must be planned and thought out in advance so that there are no long breaks and hunger pangs.

Studies have shown that in order to maintain mental health, we need to make sure that our body gets the nutrients it needs. For example, it is important that we take vitamin D in the autumn-winter period. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to be important for our brain health and help support mental health. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include, for example, red fish, chia, flax and hemp seeds. Remember that since chia and flax seeds have a strong shell, they should be consumed crushed. In the Be More e-store, it is possible to purchase chia seeds and hemp seeds rich in Omega3, which are suitable for adding to smoothies, for example.

Entertainment vs focused action

By entertainment we often mean some kind of fun and relaxing activity, but it is also possible to go overboard with entertainment. For example, we entertain ourselves by sitting on social media, while neuroscientists say that such entertainment is not good for our brain and is rather harmful to our mental health. The constant stream from social media creates situations where daily activities are constantly interrupted (a new message, news, post, etc. arrived). If we don’t let the brain finish the activity it started with focus, we unsuspectingly unleash a stress reaction. We recommend planning specific times in your day for being on social media and not scrolling through a continuous news feed outside of the planned time.

Be More supplements can help support mental health

Be More, in cooperation with the Institute of Pharmacy of the University of Tartu, has developed Relax, a dietary supplement that supports mental health. Relax helps to create mental balance, prevent more serious depression and increase the body’s resistance during stressful periods. The creation of the Relax food supplement was based on the studies on the given components that appear in the scientific literature, as well as the definitions of the European Medicines Agency and the regulations of the Agriculture and Food Agency. Its ingredients include valerian, linden, hawthorn and red passion flower. For example, the reddish passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) is a calming medicinal plant that the European Medicines Agency recommends for use as a traditional herbal medicine to alleviate milder symptoms of mental stress and sleep disorders.

Another supplement that can help with better concentration and brain activity is Lion’s Mane mushroom extract. Lion’s Mane capsules can help create peace of mind, improve sleep quality and increase concentration.

However, the general recommendation, in addition to all of the above, is that it is always worth talking about your worries and anxieties with friends and loved ones. Men can be strong not only by being physically strong, but proper strength is achieved through strong mental health!

We wish men strong mental health!

Be More – be more!

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