What is detoxification?
30. June, 2018

The cleansing of the body – or detoxification – refers to the neutralisation and excretion of toxins that have entered the body, and the elimination of unnecessary molecules (undesirable metabolic side products, excessive neurotransmitters, and hormones) from the body. It is such an important process that it uses more of the body’s energy than any other internal mechanism. It involves all of the organism’s systems, but is flushed out by the liver’s enzymes to the extent of 95% of the total.
Even though our bodies have their own cleansing mechanisms, we live in an environment that is rich in toxins (such as smoking, traffic emissions, and industrial emissions), and we consume too much alcohol, coffee, refined sugar, processed food, and non-organic foodstuffs (such as agricultural toxins, and residues from medicaments in animal products). Within our lifetimes, we allegedly consume an average of sixty tons of food, along with which our bodies also come into contact with pesticides and the residue of medicinal products, various food additives, material particles from dishes, and harmful compounds which are generated in foodstuffs during heat treatments. This is why we need to support the cleansing processes on behalf of our bodies.
How do we support detoxification?
- Eat more food that is of plant origin – this will facilitate the digestive processes.
- Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet, because the fibres contained in them bind toxins in the intestinal tract and transport them out of the organism.
- Drink water as it helps your kidneys to remove toxins from your body.
- Consume smoothies that are made with Detox superfood powder, as these are healthy and tasty vitamin bombs which contain lots of necessary fibre. The Detox superfood powder supplements your smoothies with nutrients and further enforces the support of detoxification.
It can actually be said that healthy detoxification means eating healthily. People should eat like this across their whole lifetime, not just for a month in the spring or a couple of times a year. By eating healthily, you can ensure that your body is more efficient in self-cleansing, that you are more healthy, and that you feel good. This can all be achieved by eating tasty food, and you don’t have to starve. It is important to eat more food that is of vegetable origin and reduce the consumption of animal products.
How do you make healthy choices?
- Reduce the consumption of products that contain sugar and white flour.
- Increase the share of foodstuffs that are of vegetable origin and reduce the share of animal products; people often consume too many animal fats, while their menu lacks vegetable oils and fish.
- Eat fish at least three times a week.
- Increase your consumption of vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds.
- Increase the share of fruit and vegetables in your menu.
- Consume herbs, fermented foodstuff, and green leaf vegetables.