Be Slim superfood mix, 150g
20.39 €
Be Slim supports weight loss and contains valuable fibres that help to create a feeling of fullness and speed up metabolism.
- 100% natural
- No added sugars or sweeteners
- Supports weight loss
- Contains raw cacao powder which gives a good chocolate like taste
- High in fibre - 19.5 g of fibre per 100 g
- Supports the body with B vitamins, vitamin C, chromium, copper and potassium
- Jerusalem artichoke contains the fibre inulin which helps reduce sweet cravings, speeds up digestion and acts as a prebiotic in the intestines
- Pineapple contains the valuable enzyme bromelain which helps speed up digestion
Preservative free
Child friendly
Gluten free
Made in Estonia
Contains useful
Pea protein

Extremely high source of vegetable protein. Its 85% protein content is suitable for both athletes and home use to increase the protein level in menu.

Contains the valuable enzyme bromelain which helps speed up digestion. A good source of vitamin C.
Raw cacao

High in magnesium, iron, chromium, zinc, sulfur and copper. In addition, it contains ingredients that satisfy our brain, such as serotonin, dopamine.

A good source of energy and good for digestion.
Jerusalem artichoke

Contains inulin a fiber that acts as a prebiotic in the gut, which can help reduce sweet cravings and speed up digestion.

Soluble fiber which can help prevent constipation and speed up digestion.
Passion fruit

A good source of vitamin C and beta-carotene which is necessary for the formation of vitamin A in the body which is good for the eyes.
Be Slim supertoidusegu maitseb imeliselt! Olles täielik šokohoolik siis täidab see imeline toode minu magusa vajaduse ja endalegi üllatuseks ei ole ma enam ammu pidanud šokolaaditahvli järgi haarama. 🙂
Töötades pikki päevi varahommikust hilisõhtuni haiglas on hommikune söömine jäänud tahaplaanile. Be Slim toiduseguga tehtud hommikune smuuti annab mulle pikaks ajaks energiat ja loob täiskõhu tunde.
Muidugi on suur boonus ka kaalulangus, mis peale toidusegu kasutama hakkamist on olnud juba -7kg, seda vaid 1,5 kuuga.