Be Powerful superfood mix, 150g
22.43 €
Be Powerful is designed for people with an active lifestyle and is made in cooperation with Brigitte Susanne Hunt.
- 100% natural
- No added sugars or sweeteners
- 7 different superfoods
- High in vitamin B6, C and folic acid as well as potassium, iron, copper, and manganese.
- Folic acid helps reduce fatigue and exhaustion
- Vitamin B6 participates in red blood cell formation processes
- Maca root supports physical and mental performance
- Berry flavour with a tropical hint from plums, passion fruit and lemon
Preservative free
Gluten free
Made in Estonia
Contains useful

A good source of energy and good for digestion.
Passion fruit

A good source of vitamin C and beta-carotene which is necessary for the formation of vitamin A in the body which is good for the eyes.

High in fiber, contains folate, B vitamins. Beneficial for the heart, nervous system, lowers blood pressure, promotes digestion.
Pea protein

Extremely high source of vegetable protein. Its 85% protein content is suitable for both athletes and home use to increase the protein level in menu.

High in vitamin C. In addition, it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, E and C and fiber, potassium, calcium and folic acid. Beneficial for the nervous system.

Contains valuable bioactive components that have a protective effect on cells in the body.

Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Normalizes the pH balance.
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Väga mõnusa maitsega jääb smuuti ja annab hea enesetunde. Toode mida tarbid kuna maitseb mitte vaid seetõttu et on kasulik.
Täpselt see toode, millega muretult suvest järgmistesse aastaaegadesse astuda- ei mingit väsimust ja energiat jagub kõigeks!