Three healthy recipes for making muesli
6. October, 2020

Muesli is one of the best breakfasts, which is beneficial and easy to make. Products in store contain lots of added sugars that are not so good for our body. When usually muesli contains a lot of beneficial ingredients, then adding sugar to it, automatically lose it’s good quality.
So, why not make that at home? That way you can choose what you want to add and what you want to leave out. Also muesli is really easy to make and could be really fun for children.
Homemade muesli
- 2 glasses of oats
- Nuts of choice, about 5-6 handfuls, for example almonds, walnuts, cashew, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds etc
- 2-3 tsp of honey
Roast oats, seeds and nuts with honey in the oven for about 10 minutes at 150 C. After taking muesli out of the oven add some dried cranberries, Be More goji berries or raisins.
Muesli dessert
Sometimes, when you want to treat yourself with something good, the easiest dessert to make, is this one and children can do it by themselves.
- Vanilla soy yoghurt
- Chia seed-raspberry chutney
- Homemade muesli
- Berries for decoration
Take a wider glass and put all the ingredients in glass in layers. Decorate this dessert with favourite berries and some peppermint leaves.
Chia-raspberry chutney
Try to make this chutney instead of the ones you usually eat. It is so easy to make.
About 1 glass of raspberries
4-5 tbsp of maple syrup
4 tbsp Be More chia-seeds
Use blender to make puree from raspberries and maple syrup. If you don’t like raspberry seeds, then use a strainer to get rid of them. Add chia seeds, stir and let chutney to sit for some hours. Enjoy on nice and crispy toast, with yoghurt, porridge or just like that.
Recipes are composed by nutritionist Julia Bõstrova