The truth about detox
23. April, 2019

Healthy eating
It is this time of the year when detox theme is most popular.
But what detox really is and how it works?
When talking detox, people typically think about the liver, which is the body’s primary organ of detoxification. But, our bodies are designed to detox via multiple pathways, including the skin, the kidneys, and the colon. The skin, the body’s largest organ of detoxification, absorbs the toxins you put on it and eliminates them through sweat. Your kidneys filter your blood and excrete toxins through your urine, and the colon is the “end of the line” where the toxins that are metabolized within the body are packaged up with fiber and sent out in the form of waste.
The liver screens every molecule that circulates in our bodies and transforms the toxic ones into harmless, biodegradable substances in Phase I of detox. Even “good” molecules like hormones are constantly being broken down in the liver. If you’re struggling with issues like infertility, acne, bloating, breast tenderness, low sex drive, or feeling “stuffed,” it could be because your hormones aren’t being properly recycled or eliminated.
Some of these compounds can go straight to Phase III for elimination, while others require a second breakdown: Phase II. In Phase II intermediate compounds are bound to molecules like glutathione, glycine, and sulfate, creating nontoxic substances that can be eliminated. During Phase II, free radicals (those bad, cancer-causing things we always hear about) are also produced as a byproduct. But, they can be neutralized if you’re eating healthy levels of antioxidants.
All the elements mentioned above – enzymes, glutathione, glycine, sulfate, antioxidants – enable detoxification and come from food. Two of the biggest misconceptions about detoxing are: one, you have to starve yourself; and two, you have to do it once or twice a year. In reality, science shows you need to eat in order to detox — and you can, and should, be doing that every day.
A good detox diet should supply all of the important nutrients that your body needs while also cutting out the chemicals, junk and added ingredients that it doesn’t.
Following a few easy guidelines and incorporating some detox foods into your diet is the best way to optimize your built-in detox system and supply your liver with the tools it needs to clear out toxins efficiently. Here are some of the basic rules to follow on a healthy detox diet:
Switch out sugar-sweetened beverages like sodas and sports drinks for water, unsweetened tea or detox drinks, and be sure to stay well-hydrated.
Nix added sugars from your diet from foods like candies, cakes, cookies and sweets, and aim for a sugar-free diet instead.
Cut out all heavily processed and refined foods, such as convenience meals, pre-packaged snacks, and store-bought cakes and cookies.
Up your intake of whole ingredients and raw foods, including fruits, veggies, healthy protein foods and whole grains.
Swap processed meats like bacon, hot dogs and sausages for better options, such as grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon and organic chicken. If you’re following a vegetarian or vegan diet, there are also plenty of plant-based protein foods available, including nuts, seeds and legumes.
Include more natural detox foods in your diet, such as grapefruit, bone broth, Brussels sprouts, berries, beets, chia seeds and nuts.
Trade in your salt shaker for some healing herbs and spices instead. Seasonings like cumin, basil, parsley and paprika can bump up the flavor of your foods while also providing a host of powerful health benefits.
Adjust your sleep schedule to ensure you’re squeezing in at least eight hours per night, which allows your body to heal and restore.
Get in some daily exercise, and stay active with your favorite workouts, such as walking, jogging or biking.
Minimize your stress levels and incorporate some natural stress relievers into your routines, such as yoga, meditation, journaling and essential oils.
Be More offers loads of great nutrient-rich superfoods to support your daily detox. Here are only handful of them:
Be More Detox superfood mix supports Your body with a high amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This Detox superfood mix tastes and smells better than most of the detox mixes. This is thanks to lingonberry, cranberry and lemongrass. All three help to hide spirulina and chlorella strong taste and give Detox mix much milder taste.
Be More Spirulina is loaded with various nutrients and antioxidants that may benefit your body and brain. The quality of the protein in spirulina is considered excellent — comparable to eggs. It gives all the essential amino acids that you need. Spirulina contains more beta-carotene than carrots.
Be More Yerba Mate herbal tea has more antioxidants than any other green tea. It has been found that this drink protecting your liver cells, as well having shown potential as a digestive aid. Its nutrient profile boasts B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc, potassium and manganese.
Be More Maca powder is high in carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals, containing many essential fatty acids, vitamins of group B, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium, at the same time being totally natural and additives free. Maca also contains an amino acid called tyrosine, which helps to upgrade the endocrine system in both – women and men bodies. Tyrosine is synthesized from the phenylalanine in the human body, which also supports the work of the nervous system. Tyrosine is a precursor to nerve agents, such as norepinephrine, dopamine, adrenaline and therefore maca acts as a mood enhancer and as a stress reliever.
Written by nutritionist Riin Reimer