Nutritionist Kaisa Torn suggestions for healthy eating habits


  1. As a personal trainer and nutritionist you come across with many people and their eating habits, what healthy foods should an average Estonian eat more often?

Estonians do not eat enough vegetables and children should definitely eat these more. If vegetables seem unpleasant and tasteless, you can successfully hide these into the food, for example inside smoothies. Grated zucchini is perfect for it, you can’t even recognize its taste from the smoothie!  Really good vegetables for smoothies are also spinach, celery and avocado.

It must be ensured that healthy fats are in the menu as well, because these are really important for vitamins absorption and development of the body. Instead of candies, one should snack with nuts like almonds and make bread with crushed avocado not with cream cheese.

  1. Why it is good to make your own smoothies and avoid smoothies sold in stores? The stores have a pretty good variety of different ready-to-drink smoothies. 

Ready-to-drink smoothies are definitely healthier choice than different soft drinks like colas or lemonades, but ready-to-drink smoothies do not have much vitamins left after processing. For longer shelf-life in the stores, the smoothies must be pasteurized in other words heat treated at 70 C.  Vitamins are very heat-sensitive and destroy to a large extent, vitamin C can destroy up to 80%! Self-made smoothie takes longer time, but the result is worth it! Your smoothie is fresh and loaded with vitamins!

  1. Why people should add superfood mixes to their smoothies? 

To support busy lifestyle as comfortable as possible! Superfood mixes are fast and easy way to get all your needed vitamins and usage options are endless. Smoothies are really good, but when you want something else, you can also add these mixes to porridge, quark, yogurt and raw cakes.

  1. What Be More superfood mix is your favourite and why?  

Be Beautiful superfood mix has really good taste and nutritional value. I really feel that it makes my skin more healthy. My other big favourite is Be Smart superfood mix, because after several usages I can feel that it helps me to focus more and be brighter.

  1.  What is your favourite smoothie recipe? 

Handfull of raspberries and blueberries, 100 ml rice milk, 10 almonds, half banana and 1 tbs Be Beautiful superfood mix. It tastes delicious and keeps your stomack full up to 2 hours. I always recommend to add nuts like almonds to smoothies, because they prevent blood sugar abrupt rise and keep the stomach full for longer time. Really good smoothie to avoid snacking.

  1. 3 suggestions how to eat throughout the day and get all necessary nutrients and vitamins from the food. 
  • Everything starts from the breakfast, it has to be nutritious and healthy. I recommend to make a green smoothie (half banana, handfull of spinach, 10 almonds, water and 1 tsp Detox superfood mix) and 2 boiled eggs to keep your stomach full longer.
  • It is important to eat nutritious snacks, so you wouldn’t starve and crave junk food. Really good snack is rye bread with humus or crushed avocado, 35g of meat ( chicken breast or ham made from quality meat), tomato, cucumber.
  • I don’t recommend to train with completely empty or full stomach, it is good to eat 1-1,5h before. Otherwise the body doesn’t have enough energy, in addition there is danger to eat too much after the training. Before training I suggest to drink a simple smoothie with raspberries, coconut milk and Be Active superfood mix, it would be good to drink half of it before and other half after the training. That way you avoid starvation and cravings.

Go check out Kaisa’s instagram to see her daily activities and get hints for a healthy lifestyle!

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