Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo
Metabolism combo

Metabolism combo

30.69 € 23.02 €

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Support Your metabolism and digestive processes with the best green superfoods from nature!
  • Combo includes: 120gr Detox superfood mix, 50gr Be Slim tea and 100gr Spirulina powder.
  • 100% natural
  • No added sugars or additives
  • With one combo You can enjoy superfoods up to 90 times!
  • Our Detox superfood mix tastes and smells better than most of detox mixes. This is thanks to lingonberry, cranberry and lemongrass! All three help to hide spirulina and chlorella strong taste and give Detox mix much milder taste.
  • Supports Your body with high amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Vegan




chemical free

Preservative free

child friendly


child friendly

Gluten free

child friendly

Made in Estonia


Metabolism contributor combo is designed for a person, who wants to support his/her metabolism and digestive processes naturally!

Detox Superfood mix supports You with 7 different superfoods. Our Detox mix includes known Estonian berries like cranberry and lingonberry which are rich in Vitamin-C. Estonians have used cranberry juice for centuries to relieve urinary tract inflammation, in addition, Vitamin-C contributes to normal energy exchange.  Green smoothie essentials, spirulina and chlorella, are also represented. Spirulina and chlorella are both algaes with excellent levels of vitamins and minerals. Both algaes have been used to support metabolism for years.

Be Slim tea is a combination of Yerba mate and lemongrass. Yerba mate is made from the dried leaves of  Ilex paraguariensis – a native plant of South America and that’s gaining worldwide popularity because of the way it improves how people feel.  It’s said that it has the strength of coffee, health benefits of tea, and the joy of chocolate. Lemongrass has strong and pleasant flavour and taste which is very similar of lemons’. Lemongrass is known for improving metabolism.

Spirulina contains all of the nine essential amino acids that the human body does not produce and needs to obtain from food. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein which take care of muscle as well as tissue building. In addition to that, the body uses them for synthesizing neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which is important for brain function. Iron supports the immune system and the transport of oxygen in the blood, and it also helps to reduce fatigue. Magnesium is good for the nervous system and metabolism, and it helps to reduce fatigue as well. Calcium keeps bones and teeth healthy.

What does this product consist of?

Detox ingredients: lingonberry powder (20%), pea protein powder (19%), chlorella (18%), spirulina (16%), wheat grass (12%), lemongrass (10%), cranberry powder (5%).

Be Slim tea ingredients: Yerba Mate dried leaves and dried lemongrass.

Spirulina: Spirulina powder

Serving size:

Add 1-3 teaspoons to each smoothie, depending on your wishes. With tea, add about 2gr of tea to one cup of water (1-2 teaspoons).

It is not recommended to use Detox mix during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Servings per package:

Each 120g Detox package contains up to 24 servings, depending on the portion size. From one package of spirulina, You can get up to 20 servings per package. With tea, consider that one pack is enough for about 25 portions. One portion of tea can be used several times, just add water to it.

Storage conditions

Store at room temperature, keep away from direct sunlight if possible. After each use seal it carefully.

What does they taste like?

Detox Superfood mix tastes and smells more mildly than most of the detox mixes available thanks to lingonberry, cranberry and lemongrass. It has a slight lemon taste and a wonderful green color.

Be Slim taste reminds of green tea with a lemon slice. The longer you keep leaves in hot water, the stronger the taste.

Spirulina has a relatively strong and slightly bitter taste.

Do you have any recipe recommendations available?

To get inspirational ideas for smoothies, our website has a whole section with recipies and we are constantly adding new ideas and inspiring tips to our fans and family members. In addition, you will find great recipe recommendations on our social media channels!

NB! This product does not replace balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Nutritional value


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