100% Natural Superfood mix that supports your outer beauty! Be Beautiful is a superfood mix created for the person who truly cares about the well being of her skin, hair and nails.
Be Beautiful supports you with 6 different superfoods, all having different functions to maintain the good condition and beauty of your skin, hair and nails. Rosehip, the main ingredient, is rich in antioxidants, helps regenerate and hydrate new skin cells and keeps your skin elastic. Baobab, the second largest ingredient, is claimed to be able to reduce wrinkles, scar tissue and even help diminish stretch marks.
Other ingredients such as raspberries and acai berries are powerhouses of different nutrients, working as anti-aging components, helping you fight wrinkles, keeping your hair shiny and nails healthy by supporting you with vitamins and minerals. Components such as pea protein powder and chia seeds additionally give your body the healthy fats and protein. Chia seeds are known as a good source of omega3 fatty acids, being a supporter of anti-inflammatory processes.
Use the superfood mix in your morning smoothie or grab it with you on the go!
Be Beautiful Superfood Mix is suitable:
- for everybody who wants to increase the amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in their menu
- for vegans
- for usage during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- for kids
- as a good source of fibre for weight loss
What does this product consist of?
Ingredients: rosehip powder (25%), baobab powder (20%), freeze-dried raspberry powder (15%), pea protein powder (15%), chia ceeds (15%), acai berry powder (10%).
To familiarize yourself with the products macro nutritients, click the ‘nutritional value’.
How to use it?
Add 1-3 tablespoons to each smoothie, depending on your preferences. You may also add it to other drinks or foods such as water, juice, porridge or yoghurt.
Servings per package:
Each 150g package contains up to 15 servings, depending on individual needs.
Storage conditions
Store at room temperature, keep away from direct sunlight if possible. After each use seal it carefully.
What does Be Beautiful taste like?
Be Beautiful has a slightly sour, but enjoyable taste from the raspberry content, it gives your smoothies a pretty baby pink tone.
Do you have any recipe recommendations available?
To get inspirational ideas for smoothies, our website has a whole section with recipies and we are constantly adding new ideas and inspiring tips to our fans and family members. In addition, you will find great recipe recommendations on our social media channels!
Minu lemmik aegade algusest, olen erinevate puuviljadega kombineerituna proovinud ja alati suurepärane sobivus:)
Sobib reaalselt igale poole – olen pannud nii smuuti, kodujuustu kui ka pudru sisse. Parajalt magus ja marjase maitsega. Üllatas ka see, et looduslik toode annab nii ilusa kirka värvi. 💖
Suurepärane marjaste smuutide sees. Tunnen, kuidas kõht püsib palju kauem täis, kui lisan sinna supertoidusegu.
Kasutasin igal hommikul smuutis ja küüned muutusid reaalselt tugevamaks ja juukseid ei lange siiani välja, mis muidu oli suur probleem. Näonahk on ka tunduvalt säravam Super toode!
Minu absoluutselt lemmik supertoidusegu- nii marjane ja mõnus! Lemmikuks on visata blenderisse banaan, kaerapiim, vesi, külmutatud maasikad ja Be Beautifuli segu. Nii lihtne aga super maitsev, segu annab lisaväärtust nii maitses kui toekuses!
Mullemväga meeldib just Be Beautiful sest olen märganud ka naha seisukorra paranemist lisaks heale maitsele ja imeilusale värvile mis mu smuuti saab 🙂
I didn’t even know what I was missing before trying all these superfood powders! It’s the perfect way to add protein to my morning porridge, not to mention the amazing taste! Thoroughly recommend!
Kõige lemmikum pulber, mida igapäevaselt kasutan kas siis hommikupudru sees või pärastlõunase proteiinipudingu täiuslikumaks muutmisel. See on lihtsalt nii maitsev! Proovi ja sa ei kahetse.
BeMore ‘Be Beautiful’ ja ‘Detox’ supertoidu segud on lemmikud! Teevad värsketest puuviljadest tehtud smuuti veel maitsvamaks ja tervislikumaks ning varasemalt proovitud toodetega ei saa võrreldagi Soovitan ka neile, kes muidu suured smuutisõbrad ei ole, vahel on hea end nendega kosutada ning müügil on ka pisemaid pakikesi, millega proovida ja katsetada, tänu sellele ka BeMore mu südame võitis! ♥️
Olen alati otsinud võimalikult looduslikku superpulbrit , mis kosutaks näonahka ja minu kiire elutempo juures varustaks näonahka vajalike vitamiinide ja mineraalidega. Lõpuks leidsingi Be More brändi, mille eeliseks ongi puhtus, ausus looduslike koostisosade suhtes ja hea mõju tervisele. Soovitan soojalt Be Beautifuli kõigile, kellel samad mured esinevad ja üldse, kes tahavad lihtsalt smuutide sisse lisada ja hea enesetunde osaliseks saada. 🙂
Be beautiful on ilmselge lemmik, kuid ei saa välistada ka teisi tooteid. Need supertoidupulbrid annavad smuutidele särtsu ja maitset juurde ja ka enda enesetunne on 10x parem. Soovitan! 🙂
Super toode! Maitseb imehästi
At first it might seem weird to have beetroot in your smoothies but it tastes awesome! Plus it gives the smoothie even deeper red colour. I love to add it to my smoothies that have bananas and cherries in them but it’s also lovely in a smoothie with blueberries.
Highly recommend this product!
Be Beautiful is one of mu favourite superfood mixes. It add it to my smoothie, yogurt or even porridge. Delicious!
Higly reccomend!
The best one! So tasteful, so yummi!
This is my favourite – I use the same components for my smoothies and Be Active supplements my smoothies perfectly!