
A Parent’s Checklist: Don’t Forget to Pack a Snack for Your Schoolchild!

The start of school is a special time that brings excitement, new beginnings and daily routines for both parents and kids. Although the start of a new school year is exciting, it can be also stressful. However, the right preparation helps to make this period smoother and ensures that the child has everything he needs at school – whether it’s learning materials or healthy snacks that support his energy and ability to concentrate. Read why snacks are important for a school child and what are the healthy snack options for each school day.

Why are snacks so important?

If it seems normal for an adult not to eat for 5-6 hours in a row, then for a learning child it is not acceptable practice. A school day is full of challenges for a child: learning, physical activity, games, communication and much more. All this requires energy and attention. If a child does not get enough nutrients during the day, it can affect their ability to concentrate, the mood and general well-being. Snacks help prevent blood sugar fluctuations and keep the child energetic and ready to participate in learning. Fluctuations in blood sugar should be avoided because they can cause fatigue, mood swings and nervousness. Though lunch is planned during the school days, as a rule there is still too long break between the two main meals.

Another reason to make sure to pack snacks in the child’s school bag is that children intuitively tend to snack when they feel hungry, and then all kinds of unhealthy choices come into play. To avoid this, the child must be taught to consume the pre-planned snacks.

Children who train must be taught to stick to concrete nutritional routine

If for an average child it is enough to plan one snack during the school day, then for a sporty child you must think about his/her diet throughout the day. Often, children go to trainings right after school, and in this case the gap between meals tends to be very long. A child who does sports must be able to eat both before and after exercise. Plan a child’s menu as follows:

– breakfast should be rich in both carbohydrates and protein. For example, sugary cereal with milk is not a good choice as it only contains a quick source of carbohydrates and is a low fiber meal. The best breakfast is whole grain porridge with berries, seeds and curd. Or an omelet with a sandwich and vegetables.

– 3 hours after breakfast, the child could eat a snack.

– if there are more than 3 hours between lunch and the training, then after lunch a child should consume a snack again, in order not to go to exercise on an empty stomach.

– the post-workout meal must contain all important macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein and fats. Carbohydrates help restore energy, proteins help restore muscles, and fats are important for nutrient absorption.

How to Choose the Right Snack?

Choosing a healthy snack doesn’t have to be complicated. The key is to remember that snacks should provide the nutrients and energy children need without excessive sugar or empty calories. Here are some ideas for nutritious and easy-to-pack snacks:

Fruits and Berries: An apple, banana, grapes, or blueberries are great natural energy sources that kids love. They’re easy to pack and full of essential vitamins and fiber.

The Raw Bars: These make a nutritious snack that provides sustained energy. Whole grains combined with nuts and seeds offer fiber, healthy fats, and protein. The Be More offers a wide selection of raw bars that are suitable for children to be taken with them to school: https://bemore.ee/en/e-pood/superfood-raw-bars/ All Be More raw bars have no added sugar and help to full the stomach.

Nuts and Dried Fruits: A compact and nutrient-dense mix of nuts and dried fruits is an ideal choice. Nuts provide healthy fats and energy, while dried fruits give a quick energy boost.

Vegetables: Carrot sticks, cucumber slices, cauliflower or bell pepper strips make a healthy and tasty combination, offering fiber and essential vitamins.

Be More filled date balls: This is the best choice when a child needs quick energy (for example, before the training). Our filled date balls have four different flavors. Check the selection in the Be More e-shop, and every child will find their favorite there: https://bemore.ee/en/e-pood/filled-date-balls-en/

Smoothie: A smoothie is convenient and a good choice for a snack.

Sandwich: Prepare a whole grain sandwich with vegetables for your child to take to school, and you can be sure that the child will not eat unhealthy snacks that day, because the stomach will be nicely full, and the energy needs will be covered.

Don’t Forget Hydration!

In addition to snacks, it’s essential to ensure your child stays hydrated throughout the day. Often, kids forget to drink water during a busy school day, so prepare a water bottle for them that’s easily accessible. Proper hydration helps maintain energy levels, improves concentration, and reduces fatigue and headaches.

How to Make Snack Packing Easy and Fun?

Packing snacks can feel like an extra duty, but it can actually be quick and simple. Here are a few tips to make snack packing more manageable:

Prepare in Advance: Plan the choices of snacks on the weekend in advance and prepare, for example, snack boxes that you can quickly pack with you in the morning.

Involve Your Child in Planning: Let your child choose which fruits, nuts, or other snacks they prefer. When children can take decisions on what goes into their lunchbox, they’re more likely to eat it.

Create a Routine: Once snack packing becomes a daily habit, it becomes automatic and saves time in the mornings.

Healthy snacks are just as important in a schoolchild’s diet as breakfast or lunch. They provide essential energy and help maintain mood and focus. By investing a few minutes every morning to pack a nutritious and healthy snack for your child, you ensure that they have enough energy to participate in their studies and be in the best shape throughout the school day. Remember, a small effort in preparing snacks can lead to big results in your child’s health and academic success!

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