Plant-based Lemon Cheesecake



  • A glass of almonds
  • A glass of dates
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon


  • 3 glasses of cashews soaked in water overnight
  • Juice of 1 whole lemon
  • 1 tbsp lemon peel
  • Half a can of coconut milk
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
  • Honey to taste

To decorate:


Get the base ready first. Add cinnamon, dates, and crushed almonds to a uniformly sticky mass. After pressing the mixture into a baking paper-lined cake tin, put it in the freezer for ten minutes to solidify. Next, get the filling ready. After blending all the ingredients until they form a smooth mixture, taste and add honey, vanilla essence, and lemon. After pouring the mixture into the cake tin, freeze it for the entire night. Decorate them in the morning and then store in the refrigerator.


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