Mentor, coach and beginner DJ Helena Laus: “We leave a mark on every person’s life. What mark will you leave?”
18. January, 2024

Helena Laus, one of the main characters of Be More’s book “Women and Health”, is a woman who lives and works according to her soul and does not afraid any challenges. She works in HR, but what makes her really special is her ability to be positive, cheerful, youthful and open to whatever changes. After the age of 40, she learned how to ride a wakeboard and even competed with it! She also learned to swim, snowboard, went on surfing trips and studied to be a DJ! How is all this possible and how is it realistic to maintain a positive attitude and be forever young? Read the further interview with Helena.
Helena, what is your background and what do you do?
I come from Saaremaa and spent my entire childhood there. I describe myself as a consistent, active, enterprising woman who loves learning. I have two wonderful grown children and am surrounded by inspiring and caring people. I am an educator, coach, mentor at the Belbin School of Cooperation. In addition, I offer HR management services for companies and I am also a beginner DJ, being at the beginning of this journey at the moment.
Your lifestyle is extremely inspiring! Tell us about it.
Activeness and listening to my body have been the key words in my lifestyle. I love all kind of physical activity from walking to extreme sports. For more than 20 years I have been involved in roller skating, I regularly go to the gym, depending on the season I waterboard, snowboard, surf or ride a longboard. I enjoy running, dancing and my morning routine includes yoga and meditation.
I visit a physical therapist every month to do preventive muscle care and keep my body in good shape, and every year I have a health checkup with a doctor.
The attitude that everything is possible and the ability to be present and see the good is an integral part of my lifestyle. I have been writing a diary for years and it has been a very good way to reflect on what is happening inside me and to write down my dreams and goals. It works great!
The way we see ourselves and the world and the quality of our thoughts give a lot of weight to our feeling of well-being and quality of life. I consciously surround myself with people who are benevolent, inspiring, loving and eager to grow.
In addition to the aforementioned, quality sleep is necessary, and if there are periods when you don’t get enough sleep, it has a significant impact on all of the above.
You are one of the main characters of Be More’s book “Women and Health” who shared her story. Tell briefly what this story is about?
I was happy when Kirti (founder of Be More) invited me to share a story in the book. My story is different from others because I focus on lifestyle and prevention. In other words, how to live healthy today, in presence, in gratitude and do everything you love. We tend to pay attention to our health and dreams when something happens in our life that makes us think about time and life. But we can take steps every day to be a better version of ourselves – to be a little healthier, more active, more loving. We leave a mark on every person’s life, even if we meet for a moment. What mark do you want to leave?
In the book, I also write about how I lost my father at the age of three and how the memory of him and the perception of his presence have guided and influenced me.

How important is a healthy diet to you?
As they say, you are what you eat. What we eat affects our mood, sleep and health. It is important for me to eat healthy and give the body what is useful and supports the body. So, for example, I rarely drink alcohol because I know that it is not good for my body. Most of my food is plant-based, I haven’t eaten meat for over ten years, but I do consume eggs and cheese, for example. This diet works for me, but it may not work for other people. As a person who loves variety, my menu must be versatile and offer novelty. One of my favorite foods is lentil pasta with various additives, such as broccoli, corn, paprika.
What is your relationship with smoothies?
Thinking about smoothies puts me on a summer wave and brings a special feeling into winter. I love smoothies because they are healthy, they give room for a creative approach, and their preparation is made very easy because all the necessary components are easily available. Superfood mixes and fresh berries, fruits and vegetables are a wonderful combination and so beneficial for the body.
I really enjoy berry smoothies with some Be More superfood mix added.
One of our favorite smoothies includes:
A little oat milk and water
Be Beautiful superfood mix
Mint leaves
Are you planning to take part in the #BeMoreWeek smoothie challenge?
I’m definitely taking part in the #BeMoreWeek smoothie challenge as it’s a great challenge and helps to create useful new habits. Building healthy habits requires consistency and focus. In addition, it is inspiring to test different smoothies and share it with your friends and acquaintances. I think that those who accept the first week’s challenge will become smoothie addicts and continue this healthy habit in the future.