How to overcome spring fatigue?
28. March, 2019

The long winter is behind us. Stepping outside the first sunrays are blinding. The snow is melting and the trees are starting to form buds. The energy of nature rises, birch juice runs and the first flowers lift their heads. But you feel sluggish, apathetic and easily irritable. Would you like to just live in bed under the blanket? You have been hit by spring fatigue.
What causes such sluggishness every year? It is believed that the cause is behind the long and dark winter. The long winter has caused our body to produce more melatonin, a sleep hormone. It can be one of the causes of sleepiness. We are also left without sunlight that stimulates vitamin D synthesis. Most Estonians suffer from vitamin D deficiency. In turn, vitamin D deficiency contributes to depression. Also, the nutrient content of vegetables and fruits that have stood in store over winter is decreasing, which contributes to the lack of necessary micronutrients. In addition, our body is exhausted from viral illnesses throughout the winter. Unhealthy lifestyles and unbalanced diets only exacerbate the spring motivation crisis.
When there is a problem, there is a solution. One energy-increasing tip is to move. The anti-depression effect of the movement is scientifically proven. A daily walk outside, especially in sunny weather, is very helpful. Of course, regular exercise also benefits. It is important to choose a workout that will keep you motivated and lift your mood.
Take vitamin D supplements. Scientific studies have shown that vitamin D3 is important for bone health and the development of children’s brains. Low levels of vitamin D have also been associated with the development of diabetes, autoimmune diseases, epilepsy and infectious diseases. Vitamin D is important in the treatment of asthma, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. Vitamin D deficiency can increase the incidence of colon cancer, cause high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease etc. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the total safe amount of vitamin D per day for adults is 100 micrograms (4000 IU). You can let your family doctor test your vitamin D levels.
Make your eating habits healthier. It is important that the food you eat will feed your body with all the necessary nutrients. Fluctuating blood sugar levels affect our feelings and moods, exhausts and tire us. Eat five meals a day. By eating three main meals and two snacks, you will keep your blood sugar level in balance. Reduce the number of fast carbs in your menu. Keep away from wheat flour products, sugar, honey, dried fruits, soft drinks, energy drinks, starch and sweetened dairy products. Reduce the amount of caffeine. Scientists have found that the consumption of coffee and caffeine significantly increases the risk of depression. Caffeine can be found in coffee as well as black and green tea, energy drinks, cola drinks, and chocolate. Drink plenty of water. Water deficiency promotes sluggishness. It would be good to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day, depending on your lifestyle.
Invigorate your body with vitamins, minerals and good fats. If your eating habits have been poor, you have been ill or have a stressful period in life, you will probably need more nutrients than usual. One way is to add superfood and superfood blends to your menu. Now I will talk about some superfoods more closely.
Chia seeds contain essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that increase sleep quality, improve brain function and reduce inflammation. In addition to good fats, Chia seeds contain protein and fiber that slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and help maintain blood sugar balance.
Acai berries are rich in antioxidants. Several studies have found that acai berries contain more antioxidants than cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackcurrants or goji berries. There are no problem acai berries can`t solve: it relieves stress, makes nails and hair strong, improves vision, lowers weight, brings deep sleep and relieves a hangover.
Maca root powder reduces depression, increases libido, improves fertility and memory, increases energy levels and endurance, lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of sun-induced skin damage. In addition, maca root powder has antioxidants that help fight free radicals. Maca also helps to balance estrogen levels, thereby reducing the symptoms of menopause.
These are just a few useful superfoods that you can add to your menu. The more varied your diet, the better. Experiment with various superfoods and mixtures by adding them to your smoothies, porridge, desserts, unflavoured yogurt, raw jam, etc. Let the fantasy fly and awaken from hibernation, making your daily menu more colorful and nutritious.
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