Digestion system restart after the Holidays

Liver Detox

Christmas is one of those holidays where food traditions play a very important role. In many families, Christmas holidays cannot be imagined without pork dish and sauerkraut, or blood sausages with lingonberry jam, for example. It is a holiday where, as a rule, the whole family comes together, which means that a lot of food has to be prepared, and the unwritten rule is “more is better than less”. What people don´t talk about is that many of them suffer from digestive problems after such celebrations. Bloating, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, constipation and in some cases also diarrhea – these are very common symptoms that appear just after Christmas and/or the New Years Eve. Some people also notice weight gain.

Studies have shown that people who were already overweight are more prone to weight gain. For example, one study from 2016 showed that normal-weight people gain an average of 0.28 ± 0.13 kg after the holidays, while obese people can gain 0.48 ± 0.27 kg. Several studies have shown that 2-3 times more kilocalories of energy are consumed during the holidays compared to the daily suggested norm. This means that it is quite common to consume 4000-6000 kilocalories of energy per day. One of the reasons that research has found is not only that portion sizes and sugary food are exaggerated, but that people simply tend to eat more when there are many other people around and they are socializing and having a good time while eating.

Next, we’ll give you some tips on how to restore good digestion, eliminate stomach discomfort and shake off the extra pounds gained during the holidays. Let’s reboot the digestion after the holidays!

Herbal teas

Consume more (non-alcoholic) liquids and less solid food after the holidays

Your digestive system needs a rest after the holidays. For at least three days after the celebrations, limit solid food consumption and drink more water, healthy smoothies and/or herbal teas. Since a lot of salty, and processed food is consumed during the holidays, all of this causes fluid retention and slows down digestion. Water helps speed up digestion and gets the retained fluid get moving out again. We recommend making smoothies with non-sugary components and adding vegetables as well. Get inspiration for making smoothies from the Be More recipe collection and add superfood mixes packed with useful nutrients to your smoothie!

Certain herbs such as mint, ginger and chamomile are known for their digestive properties. The teas made of these herbs can help relieve bloating, soothe an upset stomach, and promote overall digestion. You can find a large selection of herbal teas in the Be More e-shop. For example teas containing peppermint are: Be Beautiful tea, Dear mother tea, Be Sleepy loose tea, Detox loose tea and Be Active loose tea. Be More teas that contain ginger are: Winter tea and Be Sleepy loose tea.

Eat fiber-rich food

After days of heavy and processed foods, add fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your menu. These foods encourage regular bowel movements and help balance digestion. Fiber acts as a natural cleanser, helping to remove waste products and toxins from the body.

We recommend reducing the consumption of meat and other animal source foods after the holidays.

A post-holiday Detox can also help

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body and giving the liver and digestive system a short rest. A detox course can last 3-5 days after the holidays, and during this time a person should definitely feel the relief of digestive problems and an improvement in well-being. Here are some suggestions to support the detoxification process:

  1. Do not consume foods containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley)
  2. Do not consume meat, dairy products and eggs. Fish can be consumed in small amounts.
  3. Drink lots of water and herbal teas. For example, start your day with a glass of warm water with fresh lemon juice. Lemon is known for its alkalizing properties and ability to stimulate the liver, supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes. This simple ritual can help flush out toxins and cleanse the digestive system.
  4. Eat plenty of vegetables (except potatoes and sweet potatoes). For example, make fresh salads from lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, celery. Add some fruits, berries, vegetable oil and seeds to salads. You can also make pureed soups or smoothies from vegetables.
  5. Do not smoke and do not consume alcohol
  6. Avoid consuming foods containing sugar
  7. Consume healthy fatty acids: nuts, avocado and extra virgin olive oil
  8. Go to the sauna! Sweating helps the body eliminate toxins, providing an additional opportunity for detoxification. Combine this with adequate hydration to support the elimination of toxins through sweat.

Remember, the key to a successful detox is consistency and a gradual approach. Reduce food portions and make changes rather slowly, paying attention to how your body reacts. Be prepared that the first day might be the hardest and you may even get a headache. However, it will pass in the following days and you will feel better.

If you have health problems or you are pregnant, strict detox courses are definitely contraindicated for you.


Add Liver Detox Superfood Mix to the smoothies

Liver Detox superfood mix is ​​designed to support the body and elimination of toxins and is ideal for consumption during periods of detoxification. It is high in vitamins C, E, B1 and B12 and contains milk thistle seed powder known for its liver protective function. The protective effect of milk thistle is due to the content of the flavonoid compound silymarin. Add 1 teaspoon of Liver Detox superfood mix to your smoothie or simply consume with water!

With a mindful and holistic approach, you can reboot your digestive system and achieve a new level of energy after the holiday season. In addition to the recommendation that you should pay attention to your diet, we also encourage you to be physically active!

Wishing you a beautiful and healthy end of the year

Be More family

Used sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10574044/

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