5 myths about weight loss you shoud forget about
11. August, 2021

Losing weight seems like a very difficult process, and those who aim to achieve
desirable results often search on the internet and on social media for simple advice and easy diets. However, it is important to remember that many diets can lead to health problems instead of the desired result, and some advice is already outdated and does not have any scientific evidence.
Here are the 5 most common myths about weight loss:
Myth no. 1: You are not allowed to eat in the evening after 18PM
In reality, everyone has their own daily rhythm and eating rhythm, and correct timing for last meal is individual. The starting point for individual analysis should be the time when you are planning to go to bed and what the last meal consists of. The general recommendation is not to eat 3 hours before bedtime. The last meal should be a little lighter, otherwise the food will not be fully digested by bedtime. For example, it takes about 3-4 hours to digest the meat, so it is not wise to eat more than 100g of meat in the evening.
In order not to overeat any food, it is worth following the healthy plate rule: half of the plate must consist of vegetables (except potatoes and sweet potatoes), ¼ of the plate of carbohydrates (e.g grains) and ¼ of the plate of proteins (e.g meat, fish, dairy products, eggs). This ensures that what you eat at dinner does not overload your digestive system at night and that excess energy does not become fat and cause weight gain.
Myth no. 2: Fats make you fat
The main cause of weight gain is usually the excess of refined carbohydrate-rich foods in the menu rather than healthy fats. Yes, of all the other macronutrients (macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins), it is fats that provide the mostcalories, but nonetheless, fats must make up 25-35% of our daily energy intake. Why?
Fats are important components in human cell membranes and, depending on the type of fatty acid, can either make the cell healthier or damage it. It is important to differentiate which fats to consume. For the good health, the consumption of trans fats must be avoided. They are mainly found in confectionery. Consumption of saturated fats should also be limited (not completely avoided). The sources of saturated fatty acids are foods of animal origin: fatty meats and dairy products. The source of saturated fatty acids in plant-based foods is coconut fat. Excessive consumption of saturated fatty acids is harmful to our cardiovascular system and increases the risk of inflammation in the body. All other fats are unsaturated and are important for the health and do not cause overweight when consumed moderately. These are: vegetable oils, fatty fish, avocado, nuts, and seeds. As nuts and seeds are also high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber (fiber help to lose weight), it is recommended to eat them every day, about 1-2 handfuls (maximum 75g per day).
Omega 3 fatty acids help to reduce inflammation in the body. The best sources of omega 3 are fatty fish, also chia, hemp, and flax seeds. You can find chia seeds and hulled hemp seeds in the Be More online store. Hulled hemp seeds are perfect source of healthy fatty acids and can be added to porridges, smoothies, and salads.
A simple recommendation for consuming fats is that every meal should have some source of fat, preferably in the form of unsaturated fatty acids. Remember that fats should not be excluded from your menu also because they help to
absorb fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K, Q.
Myth no. 3: To lose weight, carbohydrates must be excluded from the menu
In fact, to lose weight, you do not have to exclude any group of foods from your menu. You can consume everything, but in a balanced way and in the right proportions. Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy and fuel for our brain. Carbohydrates should make up 50-60% of the total daily energy.
When consuming carbs, two simple recommendations must be followed:
1) reduce the amount of fast digesting carbohydrates in the menu (refined flours, sugar-containing products) and consume unrefined and slowly absorbed carbohydrates (whole grains, berries, legumes);
2) the carbohydrate source must be represented at each meal (but the above-
mentioned healthy plate rule must be followed). Severe carbohydrate restriction can lead to fatigue, nervousness, mood swings, and craving sweets. Carbs also include fiber, which is an important component of your menu if you want to lose weight.
With the help of nutritionist, it is possible to analyse the glycemic load of meals, which, when balanced, can ensure well-being and proper energy level, as well as weight loss.
Myth no. 4: Sugar-free labelled products are a healthy choice for weight loss
This myth is only partially true, depending on what this sugar-free product contains. Yes, it is recommended to avoid the consumption of products with added sugar. However, what is often not known is that many sugar-free labelled products may contain artificial sugars (e.g saccharin, k-acesulfame), which cannot be considered a healthier alternative. It is always recommended to read the list of ingredients and rather not buying a product that has either added sugars or artificial sugars. As a sweetener, it is recommended to prefer naturally occurring sugars – berries and fruits.
Be More products are all sugar-free and do not contain added sugar or artificial sugars. In Be More raw bars it is used, for example, dates, freeze-dried berry powders and agave syrup as sweeteners.
Myth no. 5: The best way to lose weight is to starve
Starvation is a stress for the body, and stress triggers different mechanisms that
instead of the desired result, can lead to several health problems. First, starvation slows down the metabolism, and instead of losing weight, we can see that the weight loss has stopped. Secondly, when starving, the body uses not only fats but also proteins for energy. Proteins are vital components in our cells, as well as in hormones and muscles and it is not recommended to us proteins as a source of energy.
There are some studies that show that intermittent fasting is an effective method of weight loss, but it is also recommended to do it carefully and consult a nutritionist in advance.
Weight loss does not have to be a stressful journey, but it can and must be a healthy and as natural process as possible. Old myths and miracle diets are not the only way to lose weight. For the effective weight loss, it is recommended to have a varied and balanced diet, to reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates and fatty meat products, to increase the consumption of vegetables and to eat regularly, preferably 5 times a day. Daily exercise and physical activity can certainly also help to lose weight.